Thursday, January 01, 2009

Good News for the Scared Folks

You may wonder why I spend so much time blasting the new Politicians, but they are going to spend billions on many "green" programs to combat "Global Warming".
Many have bought into the idea that we some how are destroying our earth by too much man-made carbon dioxide gasses. It is somehow causes the earth's temperature to rise.
It wouldn't bother me what they believe if it had no affect on me, but it does.They have driven the cost of diesel up with all of the regulations, and they are about to do it again. To a point where the truckers won't be able to up-grade their trucks. Many will go out of business. Guess what happens when that happens?Most of what we need is carried by trucks!
They are willing to shut down off-shore drilling as soon as Mr. O takes office, and ANWAR will never get drilled as long as they are in control.
Maybe we do need to find another way to "power" our country. I can go along with that idea, but let us still keep burning fossil fuel until we come up with something else.We can't afford to shut the Country down until we find a solution to the fuel problem.
Don't these people have any idea what they are trying to do??I have a hard time trying to understand all of their "green craziness".While I was wondering what they were "thinking" about, I came to the conclusion that they weren't "thinking".Instead, they were going on some notion that the earth was coming to an end and they were scared to death of the idea that we all have had something to do with it.
People like Gore have stirred up folks with a bunch of hulla-ballou that the scientists now say just simply is not true!No one likes the idea that we are causing a problem to hurt our planet. The fact is that the fires of California have dumped more green-house gasses and carbon, than all of the vehicles in the US.One volcano eruption does more damage that anything "WE" have ever done with all of our carbon emissions.
Earth will perish when GOD says it will perish, not until then!
Could it be that we have become so GODLESS that we fear everything that the GODLESS say??I can't make anyone read the Bible to see what is written about this present age.I am an old Preacher, but I'm not going to preach to you about this mess.It's in the BOOK. Read it for yourself!!
I will say this, however, it says that "confusion, evil, and FEAR" are the tools of the dark side.We do live in scary times. The whole world is in turmoil. Maybe you might like to read the 21st Chapter of Luke, or the 25th chapter of John.It may be time for a lot of you to get your "ducks-in-a-row".
In the mean while we need to pressure our Congressmen to stop the destruction of our country with all of the regulations and this "Global Warming" nonsense.
By the way... we have a record cold year in Alaska. We have been below zero for so long that I have forgotten what "above zero" is like.I froze my blasted nose out getting in firewood yesterday.
I guess I shouldn't complain, it warmed up all the way to 10 below today.
Must be global warming or something.
I would appreciate your comments.


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