Sunday, August 13, 2006

Poor Old(DEAD) Bubba

Have you ever noticed how people sometimes get "locked-up" on things, and seem to stay that way for days??
My poor little Owner has had several bouts with the "locked-up" syndrome.
Her latest lock-up came recently concerning how much money I have spent on preparing for moose camp.
She said nothing when I spent a ton of money on iron for building my new atv trailer, which I had to have to haul my new atv.( which costed another ton of money). She kepy quiet when I ordered a heater, electric wipers, extra battery, running lights, etc. for the atv.
She even said nothing when I spent $2,200.00 on electric jacks for my camper.
However, I ordered a new winch for my new atv, which was a small fortune, she had enough!!
Now she is firmly locked-up. She can only say one word!! No matter if I ask her a question; say nice cute things to her, or make any statement about anything. The word is "DEAD".
Today I complimented on her cute little self, and her answer was "DEAD".
I would say," It looks like it's going to be a nice day". Her answer was "DEAD!"
I don't know how long she will be locked-up, but right now I have come to the conclusion that my spending spree is now dead. Otherwise I my soon be dead.
We have soo much fun???( This may be my last post-I still need some ammo and a gun rack for my atv.)


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