Another Day in Paradise
I hope tonight will be a bit quieter than last night.About 10 PM last night my neighbor lady called and said a big bear was ripping up her yard. Her husband was on the "Arctic Slope" for his week hitch. I grabbed my shot gun and jumped into my truck. I drove over and ran the bear off. It had torn up her garbage cans, knocked over a ladder and made a big mess out of everything. I'm glad it didn't break the sliding glass door with her and her three small children inside.The bear came back and tore up everything in sight, but didn't break into the house.Today I gave her my shot gun which was full of OO Buck shot followed with slugs. I instructed her not to shoot unless it broke the glass door.In an hour I will go over and watch for a couple of hours to make sure the bear doesn't come back to do more damage. I have no intention of letting the critter do more damage. The local Fish& Game was contacted this morning and notified of the bear. They offered to write my neighbor a ticket for having garbage cans out where the bear could get into them. What are they supposed to do, bring them into the kitchen??Well, I have a couple of things I could say about that...When I was on the Fish& Game Advisory Board we done things much differently.We have a DL&P policy up here where it states that you can kill a critter in "defence of life and property".A bear broke into my shed a few years ago, and ripped the door from my freezer, eating my frozen meat supply along with a six-pack of coke.The next evening the bear went to "Bear Heaven".Well see how things go tonight.
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