Thursday, January 05, 2006

Adventures of Bubba-4

Got my trusty old Mac back, now I can make more movies.
Last week I hit the lake again. My neighbor, his brother and their four little kids showed up. Not one of the kids was over six. They kept me baiting hooks all afternoon. Every one of them caught a bunch of fish. I believe they went home with at least 30 silvers and rainbows.
I returned a couple of days later with Sid, my usual fishing partner. It was a memorable day.
I drilled the holes and set up the heater before I dropped a line. I done it so I would be ready when the fish started. The only mistake I made was involved in a pee after I dropped the first bait.
I should have known better than that!! As luck would have it, just as soon as I was busy, the pole dove almost into the hole. I yelled at Sid, who scrambled to grab it. I don't know why he found it in his heart to hand me the pole, because I certainly wasn't done. I did try to pull the fish out of the hole, which was a major mistake with a fish that big. I can say with all honesty, that it was the biggest rainbow I have ever seen come out of that lake. It almost wouldn't fit in the ice-hole. My efforts to pull it out with one hand full of clothes, ended up with a sharp "snap" of the line. If I had been thinking, I could have grabbed the ice-spoon and maybe landed the big fish. I wasn't "thinking" and managed to loose the biggest fish that I probably will ever hook in that lake. I know it was at least 5 pounds.
I know there must be a moral to this story, but I'll let you figure it out.


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